Help & FAQs

CollecTin More Support

We have a detailed support page on our brand site

CollecTin Original Support

How does it work?

Just download an app from your payment partner, set the fixed donation amount in that app, put the appropriate panel on your CollecTin® and you’re good to go.


How long does the battery last? 

The combination of the battery in the card reader and the rechargeable lithium ion battery lasts for around 6 hours. If you find this isn't sufficient, at large events for example, you can always buy a spare battery here on the website.


How do I change the battery? 

The battery is super easy to change, simply slide out the battery from the main handle and slot in a new one, making sure the USB cable fully engages with the battery socket.



Will it work with non-contactless enabled cards?

Yes, people with card which aren’t contactless or who don’t want to use contactless, can still donate.  Just open the lid, and they can insert their card and enter their PIN.


How do I customise the wrap if I don’t have Adobe Illustrator?

We offer a service to design your wrap for you here


How long do I need to charge the battery?

Around eight hours is usually needed to fully charge the battery from flat